PTS Rabka has been operating on the Polish market since 1991. Since its inception, the company has been involved in the production of location and warning tapes. For more than two decades of its operation, PTS Rabka has been actively taking part in creating systems of marking, location and protection of underground infrastructure, gaining all the experience necessary to become the industry leader.

Today, after 25 years of its presence in the domestic and international markets, the company is able to offer its customers a complete system for marking, locating and protecting underground infrastructure. At present, the product portfolio includes, among others: warning and location tapes, electromagnetic markers, marking and measurement posts, utility conduits, cable wells, cable protection plates, and many other products for connecting and protecting telecommunication, gas, water, and energy networks.

Additionally, the company also produces various kinds of LDPE foil and a wide range of bags for separate waste collection. All of our products are made of the finest and most durable materials, and have been granted all the necessary approvals and certificates.

For more product information, please, see the “Products” tab.

Why choose PTS Rabka?


  • We are a pioneer on the Polish market in the field of infrastructure marking, location, and protection systems,
  • We offer a comprehensive system of products,
  • We have 25 years of experience in the industry,
  • We are an exclusive supplier of products and services to major network operators in Poland,
  • We guarantee the best quality of products, and a quick and timely realization of orders,
  • We are able to identify new needs of our customers and provide professional assistance for their projects.

PTS Rabka Sp. z o.o.

Rokiciny Podhalańskie 203a

34-721 Raba Wyżna

NIP 735-000-94-42

REGON 492713776

KRS 0000405559

PKD 2524 Z

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